The Government has decided to remove the High Commissioner for Spain Entrepreneurial Nation, according to a Royal Decree that was published this Tuesday in the Official State Gazette. President Pedro Sánchez considered that the objectives since its creation three years ago have been successful.
A few moments ago, Francisco Polo, High Commissioner for Spain Entrepreneurial Nation, published a tweet in which he announced his resignation: “Five years ago I took a step forward in politics with the vision of launching a roadmap to transform the production model through innovative entrepreneurship. Today, I believe that this period of service to my country is coming to an end, I believe with great success”.

In the letter of farewell that he published along with his tweet, he made a tour of all the achievements made during his three years as High Commissioner, where he highlighted the Startup Law; the Female Entrepreneurship Attraction Program, and the creation of the brand for Spain as an Entrepreneurial Nation, among others.
He added: “The High Commission for Spain Entrepreneurial Nation has been a huge success. It has fulfilled its function: to provide the ministries with policies and projects that must now follow their course in public administration in order to make Spain the Entrepreneurial Nation with the greatest social impact in history”.
On January 31, he communicated to the President of the Government “that the mission of making Spain an Entrepreneurial Nation is now fully in the hands of the Ministries, with the necessary means to make it a reality”. His mission was already accomplished and both agreed.
The High Commissioner’s initiatives
During the High Commissioner’s three years of tenure, the Entrepreneurial Nation Strategy was launched. This included 50 measures to make Spain, by 2030, an entrepreneurial and innovative nation that attracts investment and talent.
The priority ones included in the Strategy have already been deployed. According to EuropaPress, these investments are estimated in the current General State Budget at a total of €3,459 million to advance toward the Entrepreneurial Nation and exceed €8,000 million when accumulating the budget allocations for the years 2021, 2022, and 2023.
The Royal Decree published on Tuesday states that the Spanish Government, through the relevant ministerial departments, will continue to develop, promote and implement the other measures contained in Spain as an Entrepreneurial Nation Strategy, “with the aim of making our country an international benchmark in entrepreneurship and innovation, transforming the productive bases of the Spanish economy, ensuring greater resistance to crisis situations, strengthening the growth of the economy and strengthening the welfare of citizens”.
Three years after its creation, the elimination of the High Commissioner for Spain as an Entrepreneurial Nation, as well as of the office that depended on him, entails the reform of the current structure of the Presidency of the Government, as the High Commissioner reported directly to Pedro Sánchez.
Photo credit: JORDI COTRINA/El Periodico